Thursday, July 30, 2009

super slow inet

on peak of 40 GB: exceeded. off peak of 110 GB: exceeded. i'm counting days to when i can enjoy browsing without dozing off while waiting for the page to be loaded.

anyway, i'm currently reading a book titled bacon sandwiches and salvation. One of my favorite sentence is this:

worth bearing in mind that Jesus left people angry, puzzled, elated, entertained, fed, disgusted, and overjoyed but, as far as we know, never bored.

if you feel bored in your life (or Christian life so to speak), ask yourself... have you met Jesus?

PS: for those who watch "how i met your mother" will know exactly the tone for the last bit of sentence there :)

Friday, July 17, 2009

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


just watched another movie, the title is a portmanteau of religion and ridiculous which summaries what this movie is all about.

i actually like this movie, many of the points presented merit an argument and i myself admit that religion is ridiculous.

one point that i like is that religion offers certainty to people and it makes them arrogant, to the point that they undermine others religion. but the other religion also feel the same way about the other religion.

and the presenter said that he actually promotes doubt, since doubt keeps people humble, which i think is quite true.

and in my experience as a Christian, faith is not the enemy of doubt. You might have doubt and choose to believe, but in a humble way, which i prefer to be.

i could spend forever just pondering these stuffs so i'll just let it be.

couple of movies that i've watched

Shawshank Redemption: this movie if voted #1 in imdb, which is no wonder to me.. the plot is rich and the characters are interesting.

Ponyo on the Cliff by the sea: a must watch film for any Studio Ghibli fans (me included)... this is what an animation should be: indulging your fantasy. The story is simple and refreshing.

Two movies that goes to my list of hall of fame movies!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

amazing earth

i just finished playing endless ocean, it's a game where we play as a diver and explore the... well, the endless ocean..

and i realized that this earth is so enormous, where species such as the blue whale which length can reach up to 110 ft (33 metres) actually exists..

and as i am typing this blog, somewhere in the ocean, a blue whale is singing, and somewhere else, a bottle nosed dolphin could be playing with their mates (in the game, i have a bottle nosed dolphin as a diving partner).

just contemplating this makes me filled with such awe for the nature. life goes on, here on this planet, regardless of we realizing it or not.

Monday, July 6, 2009

dusting off my blog

yep, been a while since i posted something.

this post is only to prove that i'm still here, lurking :D

anyway, just went back from menado, and i'm excited with what God has in store for our new church building. Sure God can be everywhere, but when He chooses a place to dwell, it's gonna be awesome. Take Obed-Edom for example, or when His glory fill His temple.

and i believe our church gonna have that privilege.

it's gonna be amazing!