Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Tasmania trip - Day 2

Alright! so we start with the 2nd day... which is Port Arthur day!

spend the whole day at Port Arhur which is about 1.5 hours away from Hobart.

Port Arthur is a historic site, and it used to be a penitentiary so there are a lot of old buildings there. There are a lot of explanation on what is happening in the past, and we also took a guided tour so the whole afternoon was a history lesson :3

We also planned to have a ghost tour, which obviously have to be done in the night.. so after a cruise tour we went to Tasmanian Devil conservation park... and we arrive just in time to see the feeding.. man they are ferocious.. but the tour guide said that they are actually shy animals.. kinda hard to believe with those sharp teeth they have. The park also have some animals and we watch a bird show which was pretty good.

So the clocks ticking and we are approaching the ghost tour time! (we had dinner beforehand, so we won't faint if we see one). We arrived early, so i decided to go around the site ALONE. yes i am weird.. it's like i'm the only human in the whole area... and its approaching night.. but it was a good spiritual walk... i realise how small we are and how big the universe is... and you cant help but feel watched around... i saw a rabbit or two (cant be sure if the other one is rabbit or possum) but that's about it.

well the ghost tour starts at 8.30... we go around the site with a lantern (it's pitch dark out there)... at each site, the guide will tell a horror story to build up the suspense... and sometimes she will startle us with some action. not bad. but i really curious if we can see one, so i took a lot of pictures. kinda reminds me of fatal frame.

and we end up with.... zip/nada/nothing. well i now have a lot of pictures of the places, but that's it, no sighting at all... but in all, it was a good experience...

we then drove back to the hotel, and i was driving.. one thing to note, there are a lot of roadkills in tassie.. at least i saw 10+. and i almost make another one... I was driving at 80k when there's this possum just chilaxing out in the middle of the road. WTH!

lucky it passed straight under our car... if not, it probably will ruin my holiday... although if it did die, it wasn't my fault haha

so yeah the 2nd day is over... back to the hotel to prepare for the 3rd day!

Tasmania Trip - Day 1

Just come back from Tassie, and I'm going to write down my experiences there so i will remember it in the future.. It's still less than a week so hopefully my memory still fresh...

Day 1 - Wednesday 13/10/10

Arrived at the airport with the help from a good friend, Anthony who has kindly drove us to the airport. Us = me, herman, and jenny. Our plane was delayed by an hour so the traffic jam worry proves to be nothing.

After landed safely on the airport (the flight was really fast.. probably about an hour or so) we go straight to the car rental and got ourself a stunning red hyundai i20... it's quite new, so all good.

Quick lunch at a thai restaurant (food here are expensive!) and we decided to go to botanical garden. the sanctuary was really nice but all else look similar to Melb.

After we went there, we decided to go to Mt Nelson, where we can see the view of Tassie from up high... but we got lost. partly because the GPS is not really helpful, and Tassie's road are so confusing. when we managed to end up on Mt Nelson, it's already to dark, plus it's raining so there's nothing to be seen. we even ended up on someone else's house!

since there's nothing we can do, and it's late, we then move to our next target... DINNER. Fish frenzy is the destination and the dinner is fish and chips. Voted the best fish and chips in tasmania, i think the comment is exaggerated as i don't really taste the difference. :P

day 1 is over and we went back to the motel, which is amazingly nice. grab a shower and off to bed!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

House 7.01

Awesome.. totally.

One thing that struck me the most... is when House was told that he's afraid when he's happy, cause he know it won't last...

And how Cuddy then just tell her that, no matter how messed up House is, she always think of him as an incredible guy.

I hope someday, someone will tell me that as well :D

Sunday, September 19, 2010

words of wisdom

Happiness comes from how much you try to be happy not because you are just blessed with it.

The effort to overcome your suffering and the effort to become happy... those are the keys to make yourself truly happy.

Saturday, September 18, 2010


i was browsing through my old hard disk today, when i found the old pictures folder from when i was still a student.

and i really feel nostalgic about it... why the past always seem to be better than the present? i used to laugh with frens, hang out with them, and now we are all to busy with our daily life... and some of them are not even in Melb anymore.

But life goes on... and now i can only believe that God has a better plan in the end..

Thursday, September 16, 2010


we will look back and realise and laugh at how foolish we were. How things that seem to be important are in fact trivial.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

complaining is an addiction

and i was an addict. i realise i complain easily. and i don't do it quietly, i tried to let other ppl now that i'm not happy.

and lately i realise, everyone probably know me as a complainer.. which isn't exactly a good way to be recognised isn't it. While some might actually put their shoes in mine and sympathize, most of the times, it's just plain annoying. Even i don't like a complainer if i see one.

So why i keep doing it? simple, i'm addicted to it. it's like smoking, first you are not used to it, but when you keep at it, it's become a natural thing. it serves as a stress relieve. and though i feel satisfaction from it, it's just not good for my mental health.

so i decided to stop this habit. and the only way to do it is just to stop completely. when i want to complain, just STOP. it's hard, but it's worth it.

I'm really looking forward to see me as a free man... not sure if i can really do it. but when there's a will, there's a way.

Monday, September 13, 2010

i am a whiner but i'll change :)

during the past weeks, through many events and conversation, i finally realise that it's time for me to go out there, and try to create my own life.

i whine a lot, nag a lot and complain a lot. i realise all of this, but i just cant help it, with no one to blame but myself. I was desperate. My life in melbourne has been nothing but a one man battle. All of my uni frens are all gone. My church frens got their own family or partner to take care of.

No i don't blame them, in fact, good on them for having someone to be there. I might be jealous in fact. But well, i suck it up, and try to hold on, keep saying to myself that i should be able to make it alone.

But time passed by and it's just become unbearable. Work isn't exactly stress-free and when weekend comes i just want to refresh myself. But there's no one there to hang out with.

and then somehow i manage to know some frens, through a somewhat bizzare occurence. I enjoy hang out with them, but it's probably one sided aniwei :). when i was suddenly cut off, i was panicking, i was desperate and try to redeem myself. all in a while i make things even worse. I realise that, but i cant help myself. Pathetic i know, but i guess when you are in it, you just can't think clear enough.

but yesterday i manage to catch up with friends, who in spite of their busy schedule, manage to meet with me. i learn a lot, and they suggested me to find a new community, he even agrees to introduce me to one of his friend who he said, will get along well with me.

i hope that everything will turn out to be the better. I'll try once again, and if it's still doesn't work, well probably God has another plan.

In any case, my first target is to stop whine. it feels good, but again it's destructive. i am no better than a smoke addict if i can't change this habit.

good luck and godspeed iyan, you need it.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

ancora imparo

means i'm still learning, and this is especially applicable in human relation. I'm probably still an idiot on this aspect.

Things happened, which is not exactly a pleasant thing. So i thought, well let's see if i can learn something from this experience. Yet, before the knowledge even sink in, i was presented with another facts and this stir things up even further.

At first i thought i should learn to start thinks positively. but then, the facts make me realise, my negative thought was correct all along.

in the end, i was no better than what i was, i am probably in a worse state. But one thing that sticks to the back of my mind, some things are best left unsaid.

so yeah.. ancora imparo.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

thanks yuko...

There comes a point in your life when you realize who matters, who never did, who won’t anymore, and who always will. So don’t worry about the people in your past, there’s a reason why they didn’t make it to your future..

Sunday, June 6, 2010

this is so true

Every job out there can have periods of boredom and tedious duties.

Musicians get bored out of their minds driving in tour buses from city to city, writers get bored and lonely sitting by themselves writing and re-writing, TV anchorpeople and reporters spend a lot of time waiting, pilots have periods of time of just sitting there, judges have to listen to mind-numbing testimony, doctors can stand in surgery for hours on end, actors sit in their trailers in a constant holding pattern, teachers teach the same thing year after year and now they are even given scripts of what to say while teaching, private investigators sit in their cars for hours doing surveillance, police officers answer call after call of false home alarms going off, hair stylists blow dry and blow dry and blow dry hair...I mean what job is immune to boredom?

Monday, April 26, 2010

still miss them

been here for one week and i still miss my family. Of course i have things to do that occupy my time, and friends to accompany me in killing some time. But most other times, i'm alone and that's when the thought that my family is thousand miles away saddens me.

I need to be strong.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Monday, April 19, 2010


can't remember the last time i've been this sad. all the melancholic thoughts rushing through my mind now

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Monday, March 8, 2010

a word of wisdom from my sister

babies' eyes are so pure and clear, but as time grows, the red vein started to show and if you are lucky, you'll get cataract when you are old. it's the same with your heart and your mind.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

6/03/2010 - a weird day in melbourne

Lost a friend, and melbourne weather weeps with it. Hail and thunderstorm starting in the afternoon. It brings the blues.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

somewhat deep

What’s “God”? Well, you know, when you want something really bad and you close your eyes and you wish for it? God’s the guy that ignores you

Monday, February 15, 2010

never mess with a pms-ing woman

this is what's going to happen

Saturday, February 13, 2010


part of me want to wait and the other want to do it now. let's see which side gonna win

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

comedy night with soundmen

had a lot of fun with them, consist mainly 80% of teasing the others about upcoming "movies", 10% talking about sound system plan, and 10% eating.

Monday, February 8, 2010

dusty bible

it has been quite some time since i last read my bible. somehow i just lost the willingness to do so...

not sure what happened, it's really like you lost something. but even then i don't bother to find it again.

I'm a pilgrim who rested too long, and somehow i don't wish to continue to journey as yet. Maybe i do need the rest, or maybe i'm just too lazy to continue.

Whatever the reason is, i need the breakthrough, and that definitely not going to be easy.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

futile life

we people are so easily forgotten. Even if we say we live in memories after we die, how long will it be? probably until after everyone who know us gone as well. and then our existence is completely gone... life is such a futility.

how many people have been living on this earth? how many has actually been remembered until now? the ratio might be lower than 1%. so why we try so hard to live?