Sunday, May 31, 2009

the funniest blog that i know so far

highly recommended!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

i need more explanation for this

I was reading my bible when i come across the verse on 1 Chronicles 21:1:

"And Satan stood up against Israel and provoked David to number Israel."

I have read this verse couple of times, but this time, somehow i remembered that there was a similar verse that i read some times ago (i read my bible chronogically), and the verse was in

2 Samuel 24:1"

"And the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel, and he moved David against them to say, Go number Israel and Judah."

So who was the one that tempt David to number the Israelites?

I do some search on google and the result was quite similar to what i was thinking before... It says that God allows Satan to do His bidding, to prove His point to David and all in the while proves that He is a sovereign God.

This is a really hard food for me to digest.

I seriously think that by doing this, God actually free to do everything as He pleases. David may in the end learn his lesson. But it was not happen before thousands of Israelites were smitten by God's plague. As David said, "I have sinned, but what about these sheeps?"

For one purpose of teaching David, God saw fit to sacrifice thousands of lives? How could it be?

Lately, my only pray is that God will reveal Himself to me... Cause truly with this kind of mindset, and with this limited revelation, i seriously considering about the value of my faith.

Does it really worth for me to serve a God like this?

I love Him, seriously, I love God... But with recent experiences, i need more of God, simply more! And i really hope that God will provide me with some more explanation.

On the other hand, I know some thing may best left alone, but why then God reveal the verse which prompts me to think like this? Even more, He know that i'm curious about things and can't leave this kind of things alone.

Some might say it was happen in the old testament where the Law was still being held up. And this is my consolation for the time being, that i live by grace, and no such thing will happen to my life... But i believe that every verse in Bible still applicable today... so how should i react to this?

If you happen to read this and care to share your thoughts, please do so... Any thought is happily accepted :)

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

atheism main arguments

can somebody provide counter argument for this?


I once thought about this issue and i'm still struggling with it. What is heaven?

Since i was little, the image of heaven is that it's a place of happiness, cloudy and bright of God's glory... And of course hell is the exact opposite of that, with fiery flame and such things.

But then again, there's another thought. Heaven is "only" for the believers(i put quotation mark because i'm not even sure about this, or rather i hope that there's some exception to that). The reason i am hoping is because we are surrounded by unbelievers. If supposed one that i loved ended up being unbeliever, and s/he ended up in hell, how do i suppose to live in heaven? Wouldn't that make living in heaven is actually hellish for me?

We might justify by saying that it is the reason why we need to spread the gospel and hoping that God will be gracious enough to save them... which is another issue for me because i know some cases where you have tried to bring them in, yet they refused. We still love them, and we don't have other option but to pray for them.

What if they still don't believe? What if they manage to believe but fall because they just can't cope with their faith?

There's a parable in the bible about Lazarus the poor and a rich man. The rich man ended up in hell and Lazarus in heaven. We might say that it is okay, the man is paying for his sin and Lazarus getting what he was denied in this world.

Well, what if the story's characters are changed? What if you go to heaven and your best friend goes to hell despite your best effort of converting him/her?

Do you still enjoy heaven?

Being a Christian, of course this should encourage me of working harder in spreading the gospel. But again, i know of cases when our best is not enough and it all depends on God's grace. And even then there's still possibility that unbelievers stay unbelief. In that case, what can i do?

Are we going to be brainwashed as soon as we enter heaven that we will forget all of our relationship? I draw this conclusion when Jesus said there's no husbands and wives in heaven.

Truly, this issue is confusing and makes me curious. I always eager to find out what's on the other side.. yet, suicide is not an option.

What can we expect on the other side? Is this curiosity can only be answered when we died? Or is there any possible explanation we can draw from the bible?

I believe heaven exists, but I'm still struggling with what can I found there. Like I said in previous post, i'm looking forward to heaven because that's where i can enjoy a relationship with God forever. But it scares me if somehow i can enjoy heaven while others suffers in hell. There's no way i can say: "that's what you get for your unbelief! See what i get here? LOL!"

What can i look forward to in the afterlife?

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Monday, May 11, 2009

first day at work

woke up at 7.10 am this morning, a new habit that must be fostered now.

a great workplace, nice workmates, and all for good cause.

I work at Clear Solar, they sell solar panels for greener, cleaner, and better energy, all for the well-being of our beloved planet... i'm quite proud to work there, albeit with 6 mth contract (and a view to extend, but let's not get ahead of ourselves, shall we?).

one thing that i somewhat regret is that due to the fact this position has time limit, and there are at least 11 people employed during this time frame. I can feel there is competition in the air... I don't really care though, i just work my best and not trying to be the 1st one in everything. Hopefully i'm just over-concerned and my judgment is wrong... cause i found this place to be great...

still i'm concerned about how life is in this kind of world, where the survival of the fittest rule applies... since we are little, we are forced to perform or be ridiculed.

One thing that i learned during my journey with God is this: only when we all have received grace and understand it, we won't trying so hard to perform anymore.

Friday, May 8, 2009

unexpected ending

well, i guess my God is really a good scriptwriter, my life story is full of plot twist, when i thought i've got it all figured out, He proved that i'm really limited in perspective...

A week ago, i finally decided to let go of my struggle. I was trying so hard to stay at melbourne, because i thought this is what He has been telling me. But on other occasions, i felt insecure, maybe i'm just convincing myself that what I want is God's will... and at that time i really afraid of doing so, after all we know what happened to Jonah when he defied God's will...

After struggling hard, and with a lot of things happened, i finally started to let go. At first i don't want to go back cause that means I fail to listen to God's will, and i'm not sure on what to believe anymore. But after my latest plot twist where i lash out to God, and eventually recover and go back to Him, somehow i got a new desire to go back. Well maybe i'm just too tired and homesick.

In any case, last week i said that this will be my last week. If God want me to stay here in Melb, then give me an outside source. I don't want to listening to my inner voice, afraid that i could've been misled. If there's still nothing today, i'll start my pack up and go back to indo.

I said those things because actually i have several options, i've applied for a job and i passed the first stage, so i thought maybe i can score this job. And the other one was a factory job. Actually that job requires physical strength, and with this small stature, i'm afraid that i can't meet their expectation...

Turns out, i didn't get the first job, i was overqualified. And this made me sad and frustrated. I can't get a job because i don't have enough exp, at other job, i'm overqualified, and at a factory job, i don't have the strength...

Then on thursday, i got a phone interview, and the guy asked me to come in today. and long story short, i got the job, today 08/05/09.

Right at the end of the week.

Who would have thought such ending could possibly happen?

Apparently, He does.

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Pake soda juga gak?
Murid #1: "Gue titip coca-cola float dong."
Murid #2: "Pakai ice cream gak?"
Murid #1: "Gak usah."

Kantin sekolah di Cilandak, didengar oleh teman-teman yang ingin menumpahkan teh manis tanpa gula ke muka temannya.

Aroma dosa...
Pemain #1: "Ntar pada mau makan dimana?"
Pemain #2: "Makan miyabi yuk. Mie ayam babi."
Pemain #1: "Babi? Haram tau!"
Pemain #2: "Kalo mentah haram, kalo udah mateng harum."

Lapangan basket di Jakarta, didengar satu tim yang sepakat untuk makan gado-gado.

Pasti hotel bintang tujuh...
Cewek: "Eh, nanti kita pake hotel apa sih buat perpisahan di Bali?"
Cowok: "Oh, ada dua nih pilihannya, hotel A sama hotel B."
Cewek: "Kayaknya yang hotel A lebih enak deh."
Cowok: "Kalo gue bilang sih, mendingan yang hotel B, soalnya ada kolam renang yang ada airnya gitu..."

SMA swasta di Jakarta, didengar oleh murid lain yang bersyukur tidak lama lagi akan segera berpisah dengan teman-temannya.

It's complicated...
Saat sedang membuka Facebook.
Cowok X: "Eh siapa tuh cewek, lucu banget. Liat deh fotonya..."
Cowok Y: "Oh itu tuh, tanya sama si Z deh."
Cowok Z: "Itu mah cewek gue."
Cowok X: "Wah, lucu banget. Udah punya cowok belum?"

Kantor pemerintahan di Jakarta, didengar oleh cowok Y yang sedang susah-payah berusaha menahan emosi si cowok Z.

Kebanyakan nonton kartun ya?
Teman #1: "Aaaaaah!" (sembari menunjuk ke langit-langit)
Teman #2: (terkejut) "Apaan sih?"
Teman #1: "Itu! Ada cicak masa kakinya empaaat?!"
Teman #3: "Emang cicak kakinya berapa?"
Teman #1: "Dua kan?"

Didengar oleh teman #2 dan #3 yang ingin menyihir temannya jadi laron.

Keluar, terus masuk lagi, terus lahir lagi?

Cewek #1: "Temenin gue beli kado buat bokap dulu ya?"
Cewek #2: "Eh, bokap lo tahun berapa lahirnya?"
Cewek #1: "'53..."
Cewek #2: "Oooh... Kalo bokap gue '55."
Cewek #3: "Wah jangan-jangan bokap kalian sama!"

Plaza Senayan, didengar oleh kedua teman yang merasa cewek #3 punya masalah berhitung.

Emang jaman modern sih, tapi kan...
Anak Muda: "Mau kemana Pak? Pergi kerja ya? Kerja dimana?"
Bapak-bapak: "Iya, di toko X itu."
Anak Muda: "Wah bagus itu Pak, masa depan keluarga terjamin, kabar istri baik Pak?"
Bapak-bapak: "Saya belum nikah dek..."
Anak Muda: "Oh... Kalo gitu anaknya gimana Pak? Sehat? Wah, pasti sudah besar yah!"

Angkot M29, didengar oleh penumpang angkot yang lain yang tiba-tiba merasa bahwa ramah dan bodoh bedanya tipis.

Kalau malam berubah soalnya...
Penjaga rental PS: "X, kamu liat kucing hitam warna putih gak?"

Didengar pengunjung yang yakin penjaga ini tidak akan menang main Winning Eleven.

Kan kalo rumah, itu beda RT-nya? Harus bikin baru...
PNS #1: "De, tolong bantuin bikin facebook juga dong."
PNS #2: "OK mbak, account emailnya apa yah?"
PNS #1: "xxxxx@xx.xx"
PNS #2: "Wah, ga bisa nih mbak. Udah pernah di daftarin ya sebelumnya?"
PNS #1: "Iya sih, udah pernah. Tapi kan waktu itu di komputer yang di sebelah sana."

Sebuah Departemen di Sudirman, didengar mahasiswi magang yang langsung mengerti mengapa birokrasi di Indonesia bisa kacau.

Yes, but you should not talk anymore...
Guru: "A, kamu jadi pelayan call delivery-nya. B, kamu jadi pemesan."
Murid #1 dan #2: "Okay, m'am!"
Murid #1: "Hello, Kentucky Fried Chicken, may I help you?"
Murid #2: "Yes, do you have fried chicken?"

LIA Kalimalang, didengar seisi kelas yang langsung ingin berguling-guling di lantai.

Sepertinya ada beberapa hal yang masih ketinggalan di luar kota.
Mahasiswi sepulang ko-ass di luar kota: "Halo semuanya! I'll be back!"

Universitas Swasta di Jakarta, didengar oleh seisi ruangan yang langsung menunggu mahasiswi itu pergi lagi.

Tanpa suara lebih asik lagi...
Karyawan #1: "Eh, bagusnya bawain lagu apa ya di lomba karaokean nanti malam?"
Karyawan #2: "Kita acapella-an aja!"

Agensi iklan di Hang Lekir, didengar oleh seseorang yang ingin menjelaskan secara detil fungsi alat karaoke.